If your couch is looking a little lackluster lately or you need a DIY home improvement solution to fluff sagging cushions and give them new life, you’re in the right place.
Maybe the frame of your couch needs repair. Or perhaps it’s just that the couch cushions are looking lumpy or deflated, we can help you restore that ‘new couch’ look. This guide will help you discover why your sofa is sagging, how to repair the support, and how to refill or replace your couch cushions.
Let’s get started.
What’s Causing Your Sofa to Sag?
The first step is to figure out what is causing your sagging sofa. This could either be due to worn out seat and back cushions, or it could be an issue with the couch’s support frame.
1. Sofa Cushions Need to be Refilled
The easiest place to start is with your sofa cushions. You’ll need to check the foam padding on the sofa cushions to see if it is still firm and strong. If it’s not, you can remove the cover from the zipper and replace the filling and batting.
2. Your Frame is in Bad Shape
The next thing you want to check is the frame. To check this, you’ll need to have a buddy help you turn the couch over. You will need to remove the dust cover, if there is one, by pulling out the staples. Once you can see the interior, check if there is any broken or cracked wood. If there is, it will need to be replaced or fixed with a metal bracket repair kit.
3. Broken Support Springs
Another possible cause for your saggy couch is the support springs. While the sofa is still turned over, check to see if any of the springs are broken or detached. If so, it is still fixable but may require special tools.
Repairing Your Couch’s Support
Like houses, couches can be constructed in a number of different ways. The materials used to make them will affect how they are repaired. Your couch may have a wooden frame, a metal frame or spring support- this will determine what supplies you’ll need for your DIY project.
Wood frames can be repaired by either replacing or reinforcing the broken piece of wood or particle board and replacing the screws. To do this, you’ll need to take measurements of the broken slats and replace them with a piece of plywood from the hardwood store.
Metal frames are a bit more complicated to repair. The good news is, they are pretty hard to break so it’s likely that your issue may be only a bent frame, which you can simply straighten out.
If your couch frame is made with metal springs, check to see if any of the springs are broken or bent. If bent, typically this can be fixed with a pair of pliers.
Replacing and Refilling Your Sofa’s Cushions
If the cushions are the only parts of your sofa that are sagging, you lucked out! You’ve made an investment in a quality couch or loveseat, and replacing the seat cushions is a great, cost-effective way to keep your old couch looking new with minimal effort.
The first step is to remove your attached cushions and unzip one to figure out what kind of cushions you have so you can repair, refill, or replace them properly. If your seat cushions contain loose filling, you can replace it with poly-fil which will help to improve support and fix your saggy couch issue.
If the cushions are full foam padding, you’ll have to make sure the replacement foam matches the dimensions and shape of your prior cushions.
Follow these steps for the best results
- Remove the cushion covers.
- Measure the width, length, and depth of the cushions.
- Replacement foam should match exactly, you may have to cut and contour new foam with scissors or a utility knife to get the shape right.
If you’re wondering which type of foam to buy, you should aim for a high density foam. The higher the density, the better it will retain it’s form over time.
Extra Tips for Repairing and Maintaining Your Couch
If you’re looking for some alternative ways to spruce up your couch, there are a few other options that can help.
You might try reupholstering the couch to give it a fresh new look, or replace the upholstery foam around the frame to restore that ‘new sofa’ look. Or if replacing your sofa’s upholstery fabric isn’t appealing to you, you can always just use a slipcover to put over the couch.
Another option is to add support with a couch saver. These are hard-plastic pieces that go under your cushions and prevent sinking while sitting on the couch. If your issue is as simple as a few broken springs, or you’re not very handy, this is a great alternative.